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United States of America / A Guy Thing From the Gitgo

29 Apr


From the Declaration of Independence or / talking to King George man to man July 4 1776:


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.__ That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…


Translation: Yo, George, the guys want your stuff, sorry.


Thirteen years later in 1789, after a bloody war for George’s stuff, People were discovered where apparently they had not existed beforehand as dutifully proclaimed herein:


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


Translation: Yo, People, here’s the deal about what we do with George’s stuff from now on.

Who were these People and where had they been?  It seems they were there all along but not recognized as such. Some were not of age and so had not yet become People: some were the indigenous and not recognized as fully human, therefore not People; some were enslaved, not really People but granted census status as 4/5 human; some were female, often referred to as the better half, not fully acknowledged as whole Persons.  A mixed bag, this lot, but at least they had been found!


Since they were found way back in 1789 what has been their fate? Well, most of the ones not of age came of age and became People.  The indigenous ones lucky enough to survive were put into concentration camp, make that onto reservations, and many remain there to this day. The ones named as 4/5 human are now 100% human and can vote, not for President; nobody can. They can only vote for someone who promises to faithfully do the voting for them, maybe. The half Persons are still struggling to become whole but it’s not easy considering with whom they mostly hang out. (The guys still prefer to talk man to man with King George or somebody like him.) The half Persons complain about this but it does no good.


Since men are still running the show long after that first talk with George, things have not improved.  In many ways it’s gotten worse.  We the People is still mostly rhetoric and really means, We the Guys, but that’s not nice to say so nobody much says it. The mixed-bag gang tries to make changes but nobody listens and things get nasty a lot of the time.  The same kind of guys that took George’s stuff run the whole deal now and the future doesn’t look so good. If you have any bright ideas now is the time to unload them.  Help us make the USA a People Thing and not just a Guy Thing for once.

Farewell Noble Spirit of the Enlightenment/

25 Apr


Approaching the End of Patriarchy?

Have we, in the final analysis, simply cloaked prior eons of chaos, darkness and base instinct with a veneer of sophistication? Have a few bold, courageous new ideas about reality a few centuries back, augmented with enormous natural resource and energy sources, blinded us to those lurking reactive forces?

If again back in thrall to those lesser impulses, are we, at best then, a clumsy work in progress? A dubious link between the human and the truly humane and a messy bit of unfinished celestial business pretending all is well with us.

Dorinda Outram:

“Enlightenment was a desire for human affairs to be guided by rationality rather than by faith, superstition, or revelation; a belief in the power of human reason to change society and liberate the individual from the restraints of custom or arbitrary authority; all backed up by a world view increasingly validated by science rather than by religion or tradition.”

In ever increasing areas of the world are not critical signs pointing to a rapid reversion to a earlier mode of existence? For a few centuries now, easing of daily existence, along with greater material resources, has been followed by vastly greater fecundity that permeates even remote areas. But lately the very planet seems to be complaining that for centuries we, it’s self-proclaimed stewards, have not acted wisely. As the privileged species, it seems to say, our housekeeping is atrocious; the place is a mess. Clean it up!

We have degraded, polluted, over-populated and taken up vastly more than our share of all that exists here. It has never been worse and that is because never before have we been able to take so much, so quickly, for use in the present; denying it to the future. Our legacy to the heirs, writ clearly and proudly, is, “You shall have nothing if we can help it. We are spending your Planet; go somewhere else. Maybe we’ll overlook and leave behind something useful, something that doesn’t take powerful machines to bring forth; that’s doubtful. You will, future persons, if you are lucky, become scavengers, salvagers and junkmen, because we will leave plenty of that.”

Apparently it will not be outer space to which we will then go, as many have dreamed. Like moths to a bulb we have risen grandly to the heights but also like the moth we grow exhausted (and broke) and succumb to gravity. ( America has difficulty even delivering the daily mail lately.)

On some level, mostly subconscious at this point in time, Westerners know the game is up. That the powers that be are not leveling with us. The information sneaks in stealthily that everything is different from what we are told. That things will not be returning to what we’ve known in the past… ever.

All sorts are wild and bizarre statements and actions will be the new norm for the nonce. Without information free from spin and slant people will thrash around for guidance and direction. A lot of this will be frightening for many, certainly unpleasant, but not unexpected after several generations of disinformation serving as truth. Anything we are told these days, particularly on the very best authority, best forget it and keep digging around. Somewhere beyond the noise is the truth.

Carl Jung cautioned that if we did not soon find a universal understanding of what makes us human the future looked dim. That perhaps we will see a gradual collapse of our material way of life and enter into a time comparable to the Dark Ages. The failure to examine in depth the actual nature of reality as opposed to the arbitrary hunches and dogmas currently in vogue fail to ground mankind within nature and the scheme of things. In no regard are we meeting the future united, prepared and in agreement on what we really are and what we really need. If we couldn’t fix things during good times, how on Earth will we do it now?

Part of our own dilemma stems from devotion to a aggressive, militant fundamentalism. For decades our principal activity has been the outfitting of legions of missionaries (armed to the teeth of course) setting out bravely to convert the unwashed, the unbelieving and the disrespectful, hopefully at a profit. With missions in hundreds of bases everywhere our brand of Americanism and Christian fundamentalism has alarmed the world. But as Professor Chomsky reminds us, it did all begin here. We do own it.

Noam Chomsky:” We must bear in mind that the US is a very fundamentalist society, perhaps more than any other society in the world – even more fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia or the Taliban. That’s very surprising.”

“Until 1950, there was no entry for fundamentalism in the Oxford English Dictionary; the derivative fundamentalist was added only in its second 1989 edition.” Wikipedia

We also learn these inventions, spawned early in the Twentieth Century by fledgling Divines and Dons, at Princeton Theological Seminary, were social skirmishes whose time had come. The creators were ambitious and zealous: to defend orthodox Protestant Christianity against the perceived threat of Darwinism and liberal theology. Sound familiar?

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”
John F. Kennedy

Naturally our militaristic minions around the world have not gone unnoticed by the locals. Religious zealotry begets more of the same and lately half the globe is seething with it. Thus far, the second – stringers, the so-called BRICs, have not caught the plague. Not yet. But then it’s the fifties in China and we all know where that era led elsewhere. The Middle Kingdom version is sort of the equivalent of hundreds of Levittowns being thrown up against a background of Berlin in the nineties replete with construction cranes to the horizon. And, oh yes, a political regime resembling the hairy hand of McCarthyism we all enjoyed so much.

A Beijing Scenario:

It’s the fifties in the Middle Kingdom and the cruisin’ has begun. Picture this scene out of “Chinese Graffiti” where forty million single dudes in spanking new SUVs cruise endlessly trying to pick-up, get this, NO chicks! Now that they produce more cars than the US the bumper stickers could shout, “What’s Good for Great Wall Motors is Good for China!” Fifty years of ‘one childness’ has produced a bumper crop of …testosterone.
Good luck with that!

All in all, the old guys who run things in Beijing should look around the world, especially in the West, to see where all this ‘progress’ might lead. Instead of benefiting from seeing where we stumbled they seem determined to end up the same way, broke, confused and angry. Nobody ever learns, it’s our charm as a species and may bury us yet.

Now males, and especially older males, have much to offer but they really should be regarded as useful idiots. Aside from certain mental qualities that enable them to stand slightly aside from life’s realities and do interesting things abstractedly, like build stuff and blow up stuff, they should never, ever, be allowed near the sources of power.

Two things, and only two, are commanded by nature: reproduction of species and death. All else is option. Males are largely indifferent to the former but appear much devoted to the latter.Too often the violent demise of some other male is a consuming focus of male effort. Now males are all right as far as we go but we have gone way too far for way too long. A thousand generations is quite enough as we, all of us, are now quite noticeably…stuck. We are stuck in the here and now; stuck in today.

The Earth has endured a thousand generations of male domination. Human life may one day soon be forfeit as a result. An innate lack of future orientation sufficient to overcome exploitation of the planet for temporal gain suggests males are unfit for continued leadership. Recorded history and mythology are testimony to the propensity of the gender to build, destroy, and kill with blatant disregard for future aspect. The male mindset that has been governing the globe lacks a clear future inclination and could lead the species to extinction if allowed to continue unabated

What to do? Well, the distaff, on the other hand, at least live from month to future month much of their lives; a big improvement over the male day- to- day plodding vision. And on occasion the femmes live several months out ahead; nine months out to be exact. In this way the future can be somewhat sensed as existing beyond now and beyond a single generation.

Is this then, a different way of viewing existence, of living along a different time line, what the human race sorely lacks as a lodestar? Orientation and planning with emphasis on the future rather than the temporal. Something that many females possess but which has been trivialized and disregarded in favor of what could be interpreted as male theft of the future for a specious patriarchy today.

There is likely no community on the planet where reversal or even lessening of current gender domination could take place in any meaningful way. In fact billions of people are expressly forbidden by theology to even contemplate such a transition. An advocacy of this notion might lead to excommunication, stoning, beheading or at least a banishment to the nearest desert for the audacity. Most theologies consist of many small truths cobbled together as one big lie; male supremacy.

So an arrangement that could possibly save the species from itself will have to await a post apocalyptic time. Not an ounce of power will be willingly ceded until civilization crashes around us. Why then is the example of a society which managed to exist far longer than any other known, and with near equal female participation; the three thousand year track record of Ancient and Pharaonic Egypt ignored as pagan and effeminate? Because it’s better to risk total cataclysm and perish than to have them running the show!

Perhaps It all started after the last ice age. The hunters hunted and the gatherers gathered. Then the gatherers became diggers and, eureka!, agriculture. Thank’s ladies! This was the real deal: civilization. Not the hobby-shop, toy and gadget world the now underemployed hunter bunch dreamed up. No this was what made it all happen. Full bellies and some leisure time courtesy of the femmes. But the gals let their lead slip away and the hobby-shop became the world.

What kind of a future will they make for us if women regain the leadership? What it won’t be is the hobby-shop, gadget and garage-band world, the phallic oases guy’s world, complete with extraordinary violence, it has been for generations. It will, early on, necessarily revert to the most basic of basics, growing stuff to eat, big time.

Restaurateur and Chef Jose Andreas of ‘Julio’ in Bethesda, Maryland was interviewed recently on NPR radio and made the most profound energy statement I have heard in years.

“But I think the most important is to remind everyone that the most important source of energy is not gas. The most important source of energy is food, because food is what keeps us – the humans – with energy. So we need to start thinking about food as the most important source of energy, because it’s the energy that keeps moving us, the people – the people of America, the people of world.

… I hope that we’re going to start taking seriously where our food comes from. Because right now I don’t think we do. And we need to start making sure that our politicians understand that the most important thing is our food, period. And food should be un-negotiable…”

We may become a tribe of earnest junkmen recycling gadgets and gee-gaws; eternally recycling for employment. The ladies just trying their best to keep the babies warm and healthy. All the while finding and setting priorities, including the amatory arrangements. If it doesn’t appear to make sense unto the seventh generation it don’t git done! And that’s not negotiable, pal

The Roman Empire slid into the backwater of history without a whimper. Will we, the ‘can do’ people, the inventors of damn near everything, the flyers to the moon; will we do the same thing? Very likely. Unless things change in a big hurry, a historical backwater is our likely destination,too.

With even a tiny clear glimpse of our future prospects America could wake out of it’s trance and begin to prepare. Slowly, very slowly, in all probability. Committees, of course, endless committees, but that’s okay. As long as they are realistic and not simply bent on returning to what cannot be sustained any longer. Hopefully the message that emerges from all this collective wisdom will be…
Stop! Stop everything!

We’re broke. We’re losing irreplaceable energy supplies rapidly. We’re despised globally for bringing it all down on everybody’s head by sheer hubris, endless war, and willful interference on a massive, Crusader like, scale for a century or so. It’s up to us, alone, if we intend to survive as a viable entity.

Where to start? Sensible priorities might help. The time has come for National Triage. It can’t all be saved. So what’s important? Food, clothing, shelter, fuel and transportation. What? That old stuff? Yep, exactly. That’s were it’s at.

Well, we can handle all that, we already do. Sure, but on credit, yours, mine and the government’s; at the sufferance of others. Those days are ending rapidly. As a debtor nation and debtor society the barbarians can arrive at the gates any day in the form of creditors demanding payback. On that day it’s all over. Backwater time for sure.

How do we keep the wolf at bay? Maybe by living for the future for a change. The future to a farmer means planting now for harvest later. It doesn’t mean waiting by the dock for dinner to arrive from farmers thousands of miles away. It also means less crop planting dedicated to cow and hog (and automobile) gullets and more stuff that goes straight to human nourishment.

The future also would appreciate us saving a little something prior to its arrival. Like fossil fuel? If we made our own jeans, bath towels, footwear, etc.etc. ourselves (we did once, remember?) we could save a little petrol for the future. Might come in handy, who knows? We could use what we manage to save now to keep the lights on, the food cold and the house warm, down the road. And put a little aside to carry us comfortably around instead of needing to walk everywhere.

As we rapidly edge toward the end of a surfeit of cheap and plentiful energy based on the consumption of irreplaceable fossil fuel, a bitter ‘ historical’ reality begins to present itself for our consideration.

For three centuries we have developed a growing dependence on highly concentrated forms of what is basically solar energy, sunlight, to ease our burdens and grow our societies. Before the general use of coal and later, petroleum, we were limited to hydro, wind, firewood and, if the hunting was good, whale oil, to help us. But what formed the basis of our walking around energy usage was horse,and human, muscle power.

Human power, beyond the personal and familial, was augmented by hired help and/or owned help. History is rife with doleful accounts of the later. In fact it was only in the 20th century that chattel slavery was finally abolished worldwide. Legal human slavery existed in the lifetime of a few elderly people still alive today.

How fantastic is a scenario predicated on the gradual lead-up to a condition of want and coercion that would lead one or more societies to consider reverting to that ‘peculiar institution’? And if conditions had so deteriorated as to make the unthinkable attractive who would take the first step? 

David Suzuki said “We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options.”

A resilient globe, Earth, having managed to absorb constant assaults on its integrity for eons is now beginning to show vulnerability. Human populations were not sufficiently numerous nor technologically advanced enough in the past to cause grievous planetary harm. This is no longer true. Every day we come closer to the point of no return and nowhere is seen the remedy for reversing possible terminal decline.

We are not unique, never were. We are not all good and wise and noble. Too many pictures, too many reports have surfaced of too many nasty deeds done in our name all over the place for too, damn long. Too much money sticking to the hands of too few of us and too many lies about why that is. Folks are not as ready as they once were to drink the cool-aid or believe the half-truths and absolute fictions ever so slyly promulgated; about why things need to be this way.

“Nothing will see us through the age we’re entering but high consciousness, and that comes hard. We don’t have a good, modern myth yet, and we need one.”
Robert Johnson

None among us living or dead is really fit to be called humane. The best and noblest among us is but a passive enabler of a species given to denial of future entitlement in favor of present utility. Notice the ones in those pictures with swollen bellies and flies on their eyes are never the mothers. We husband the breeders; forfeit the young…the future.


Women in the World Summit 2018/

15 Apr


(Suggested addenda)

1. Consider disqualifying from positions of power women who have arrived to prominence emulating men. Not helpful to perpetuate all those bad habits. Search for women who have tendencies and traits that demonstrate freedom from testosterone mimicry.

2. First order of business: Reclaim uteri and other personal appurtenances. Disregard all advice and restrictions for maintenance and usage not female originated; especially ignore celibate elderly males.

3. Recommend immediate change to specifications for any new Trade Center site. Since the world is already saturated with phallic oases, replace next, really huge tower, with five story walk-up. No elevators; great exercise for pregnant stock brokers.

4. Put hold on all development plans until vetted by female engineers or city planners unless more phallic oases are intended.

5. Consider doing something men would never do. Save something for the future. Unless you want the gran-kiddos living on berries in caves, leave them a little something. Maybe some coal or oil; some raw material to make stuff with; a few trees and maybe a fish or two. Whatever you can spare which, as of now, is— nothing! It’s all spoken for. Best estimates say 64 years, then zip, it’s all gone, unless you put something aside for them now.

6. Unless people are dropping dead on the street, guys defend the indefensible i.e. Fukushima, Chernobyl etc. Very likely babies will die from the fallout all over the place. While you’re deciding what to leave for the grand-kids consider a big pile of dough to shut down the reactors, generating plants, spent fuel storage facilities and a score of thousands of old nukes which will be still laying around festering. Oh, and another pile of dough to educate future nuclear engineers and technicians to do the dirty work in getting rid of them.

7. If you are happy with the way you were raised in the amatory arts then don’t concern yourself with your granddaughters’ training. If on the other hand you think being led through the elysian mysteries by that greatest of all tutors; a randy young male is ok, so be it. Have it your way. Otherwise, consider radically changing the way we educate our young women.


The male mindset that has been governing the globe lacks a clear future inclination and could lead the species to extinction if allowed to continue unabated, therefore:

A thousand generations is quite enough as we, all of us, are now quite noticeably…stuck. We are stuck in the here and now; stuck in today, stuck in a male mindset.

Human populations were not sufficiently numerous nor technologically advanced in the past to cause grievous planetary harm. This is no longer true. Every day we come closer to the point of no return and nowhere is seen the remedy for reversing possible terminal decline.
Two things, and only two, are commanded by nature: reproduction of species and death. All else is option.

Males are largely indifferent to the former but appear much devoted to the latter.Too often the violent demise of some other male is a consuming focus of male effort.

The Earth has endured a thousand generations of male domination. Human life may one day soon be forfeit as a result. An innate lack of future orientation sufficient to overcome exploitation of the planet for temporal gain suggests males are unfit for continued leadership. Be advised.


Blame the Cows

11 Apr

We are seven billion large omnivorous creatures who occupy every suitable inch of the planet and nearly one in seven of us relieve ourselves outdoors daily.  We are well into the twenty-first century and many of us are not as yet housebroken. Although we universally self proclaim ourselves as the top species our toilet habits are a negative impact on the environment which is ludicrous in an age of cell phones, airplanes and atom bombs. The impact of this staggering number of large mammals with poor  housekeeping skills helps make the future of our species less tenable. But there you have it, millions who cannot or will not give up shitting in the woods or fields.  The poor cows get the blame for the pollution.

Any physical area which exceeds its carrying capacity will eventually fail and our  endangered planet Earth is no exception to this law. There is little hope for remedy by humans as our species has been tainted almost beyond recourse by a debilitating gender imbalance. This biological disaster was created hundreds of generations back when the species suffered a wrenching assault from within.  The result was a power flow to one sex and a proportionate loss of power by the other.  Our species has managed to survive but with a damaging social condition largely unrecognized until the late twentieth century known as the “Stockholm Syndrome”.


Within this syndrome the aggrieved partner who, despite a sort of bondage and/or subservient position to the other, is able to survive and even grow fond of, or in fact, come to love the oppressing partner. This dangerous and demeaning status has been substituted for true equality between the sexes.  The dark history of our kind is testimony to the calamity wrought upon a species if sexual balance found in all of nature is suborned by willfulness. Our history is one of significant input from one side only and so in no way represents an accurate image of our true potential since this has been skewered for countless generations by force and usurpation of equality.


We have no way of knowing at this juncture what a different sort  of species we would have become if equal council in important decision making had been accomplished during all those bleak and bloody millennia. Without putting too fine a point: everything on the planet constructed or initiated by males without equal input from females would arguably have been done differently.  Alas, it was not and although the continuation of life on Earth remains in some doubt, the same agency that has brought us to this dire situation manfully wastes what is left of time and treasure in plotting to transplant a perhaps fatally flawed, but dutifully space toilet-trained species, to other worlds.  


Chinese is the New Jewish

1 Apr


In American classrooms a displacement has occurred which could not be foreseen at any prior time in our history. When many of us were in school the Jewish kids were the standout scholars just about from coast to coast.  For eighth grade at my junior high school, this was in the mid 1940s, an experimental class consisting of seven boys and about twenty girls was created; radical at the time, maybe it still is.


It was really neat for us so chosen and the envy, mostly, of the other conventional all boys, all girls classes.  Among we seven boys, four were Jews.  I don’t know the statistics on college placements at that time and place: Trenton New Jersey, c.1949, those four Jewish boys placed thusly; one Princeton, one Yale, one Harvard, and the fourth became a pharmacist somewhere. Another of our class got a Law Degree at Rutgers.Two doctors, two lawyers, one druggist. (Disclaimer: I was among the also-rans.)


Flash forward seventy years and what are the odds against the ethnicity of such a class being the same today? Enormous, you think?  For the matter, what are the odds against a similar college placement occurring?.  Beyond calculation, you say? At this point I caution the large portion of the American population who credit or discredit Jews with unseemly influence to prepare themselves for a new set of biases and different modes of cant.


Save your energy, you’ll be needing it.  If the worldwide presence of some forty plus million Jews is alarming to you, consider your angst when one billion plus Chinese take their place in your feverish psyche. Steady now! Ivanka Trump has her three little ones learning Mandarin Chinese. Take heed.  A stroll though your local China Town is a good start or a least a take-out platter of  Pu Pu could be helpful as a start.  At the very least, reexamine your vitriol to suit the current century. Don’t be left stranded with old, worn-out animosities while the rest of us march on with the new.


Here on our American Island we have become so short-sighted that being surrounded by large bodies of salt water appears to cloud our clear vision.  We myopically view those abroad as kinda hazy, not clearly focused, obviously different and therefore suspect. Are they really there and if so why aren’t they like us?  Now we know that surely is folly but still… if they aren’t as we are, how can they possibly be equals? Or…God forbid…superior. Sure they sometimes seem like us but they’re not really…are they?


Our American dilemma expresses itself in many ways.  Lately we have become the de facto centerpiece of an entire Hemisphere lingering in the past while it’s Eastern counterpart thrives and reinvents itself every day.

Yes, we send the gunboats out faithfully to show the flag.  We have a duty to keep face (or is that too eastern an expression to use?) Anyway, they don’t fight fair, man to man, mano to mano. No!  They want to take away our precious difference, our puissance, the almost sacred status of our holiest-of-hollies; our dollar.  What are we without that?  Who would listen, who would be impressed, who would invest?


Fight back.  An outfit calling themselves Open Culture claims to teach Chinese for free. Maybe there are others. Check them out. Quick! No time to waste. Save the culture. Save the dollar. There’s still time. Maybe.


Once Upon a Time

28 Jan

two New Yorkers wanted to be President of the United States of America. Now New Yorkers are not famous for being shy about things so they did the NY thing and got dutifully nominated. It took a year, plus a lifetime, and then came Election Day. Whew!


It was a long day and an even longer night but the results were finally in. One New Yorker won New York (surprise!), California and a couple of other states and the other New Yorker won everything else. Well…in a New York minute the whole country flew apart.

Some shouted, “no fair, my New Yorker got more votes!” Others countered with, “my New Yorker just played by the rules and we don’t care that he’s a New Yorker anyway…very much. So there!”

Then the winning New Yorker who lives In Florida came to Washington DC to be the President of the United States of America. There was a big ceremony to make that New Yorker the President attended by between five thousand and thirty seven million people; nobody knows for sure.

We learned something about, at least some New Yorkers, from day one.  Some New Yorkers write short and pithy,very pithy, little sayings every day of their lives. Sorta quaint, kinda folksy, not at all big cityish.  That was how we got to know a New Yorker, at least the one who’s President, very, very well. Maybe they’ll make a rule that all future Presidents of the USA must tweet and twitter and be pithy as can be. Let’s hope so.

Hark; What Voice is That? It is Silence.

15 Dec

We know of the six-million; yes, we certainly do.  For seven decades the voices have never ceased telling of them; as it should be. But what of the other six-million? Yes, there were another six-million whose voices have been silent these many decades. But who were they; these silent unknowns?

Before piling on a lot of statistics let’s take care of one huge number of those murdered in the camps.  Three million Soviet Prisoners of War were killed.  Has anyone ever heard the story of even one survivor from among these millions slaughtered? Silence. The Jews have a name for the Holocaust; the Shoah.  The survivors among the Romani, better known as the Gypsies, who lost between 500,000 and 1,500,000 also have a name for the genocide; the Pořajmos. The Roma are a private, basically pre-literate people, seemingly without a public voice. More Silence.

Early on in the purges the Nazis, practitioners of the then popular ‘Science’ of Eugenics, killed 100,000 mentally ill German adults in institutions to cleanse the ‘folk’ of this contamination and perhaps, to begin to learn the death trade. Deep Silence. The Jehovah’s Witnesses refused the Nazi system and contributed their dead to the carnage. Still Silent. Thousands of male homosexuals added to the homegrown bloodbath as well. Heard anything from any of the survivors lately? Silence Again.

 Ethnic Poles were victims of racial profiling to such an extent their murders contributed between 1.8 –1.9 millions more to satisfy the pure-blood lust of the Nazis’. We add another huge block of victims and that brings the total up to where those other ‘six-million’ are mostly all accounted for.  Silence Here. After the surrender of Nazi Germany and the Nuremburg Trials most of the enlightened nations rejected Eugenics as a false science. One notable exception was the United States which continued certain inhuman Eugenics practices aimed at blacks and others. Silence, Really Strange Silence.


(The estimates of the lesser  known ‘six-million’ dead are just that, estimates; as are the numbers for the well known six- million. These statistics are courtesy of Wikipedia.)

Now as Then: Glitter Astounds the Primitive Soul

7 Dec

Those twenty-four dollars worth of glass beads and other trinkets so fascinated the inhabitants they turned over Manhattan Island to the Dutch as a fair trade.  The deep wonder those primitives and countless other exhibited in past centuries over perceived superior artifacts exists to this day as  exhibited by any group of moderns flocking the Apple store agog at the exotic new wonders being offered.  The technology differs in sophistication certainly, but the primitive fascination of our modern tribe is the same.  The Wow factor is identical!

Just as those earlier worthies scrapped obvious value to acquire the sparkling new thing, so our denizens gladly spurn the dread last-year-model as of little value. This one is new! The savage dazzled by the mirror in hand and a bevy of college students bent over their phones are identical except for the clothes, hairdos and tattoos.

This same dazzle gene blinds us to this day as we blithely render into oblivion perfectly usable objects that have been superseded by those whose sole virtue is being new.  We subscribe gleefully to whatever gadget or device promises adventure, thrill or distraction even if earlier models were disappointing.

Unfortunately the latest, greatest new thing is often a weapon that, if it is sufficiently awe provoking, the Wow factor gets built and used.  The following seems apt because the Wow factor can lead to carnage and perhaps this throws a light on our recent unhappy adventures abroad and what they say about our future as a nation; consider: “ …a species that insists on settling disputes violently reduces its overall fitness to thrive in a world that offers enough environmental challenges anyway.”  ORIGINS  by Richard E. Leakey and Roger Lewin

Opus Collocus

1 Nov

by Robert Magill

Look at yourself if you dare.
What strange combination of wild genes
Caused you to end up this way?
How in the world did an otherwise garden variety ape
Make fire, lose sexual restraint
And end up like you?
Naked, with anytime sex and pretty much
Unable to cope.

Now fire’s a bit dicey to handle in a great furry overcoat
So not much happened with it
At first.
But one day some bundles of joy came along
Sans furry coats, they were starkers you see.
The game was on with the fire by then, but
All that bare skin!
My, my, what’s to be?

If it had been only one or two that were weird
The hyenas would have gotten them sure.
Hairless most of the new bunch.
But babies are hard to come by, even strange ones
Really strange as ever could be. .
They were turned inside out more like rabbits or rats
No fur at all we could see.
What on Earth!

What to do? Can’t feed the crop to the beasts.
Besides the mothers were frantic.
“It’s so cute, in it’s way! Don’t harm it!” they say.
So the naked little babes grew into big
Naked adults.
We learned to handle fire by using an old gnu hide.
If you bought into the clothes for modesty fibs,
Nope: barbeque bibs.

And the hairless kids! They all became fire bugs.
You know how dangerous that stuff is!
Well, these devilish kids treat bonfire as a new game
Of child’s play.
But then they need not worry of bursting into flame
Those fur-less little showoffs!
They don’t go up in smoke if they get to close and roast
Like we do.

Those kids started eating all kinds of things that
They’d half burn up on sticks.
The very idea!
I will say many things are quite tasty done that way
But who knows where all this fire business
Will lead.
I for one like my food less done but that said, it’s not really
That bad!

Those new kids gave us fits.
They had acres of lush, soft, silky epidermis and
Full time steamy amor.
No bothersome overcoats. Well just a token patch…
For auld lang syne.
Full time naked sex and the secret of fire would
Give any self respecting parent a
World of grief!

Both things together is a big, big pain.
And it doesn’t get any easier. Slowly, very reluctantly
Began that
Which we long beards knew early on.
It’s time to put on some cover-up to keep order
And peace in the cave.
One word of late does resonate, more often than not it is

So it began.
The business of the putting-on and the taking-off
Of surrogate overcoats.
Clothes, that is.
Big waste of time and energy
Weaving and skinning and sewing. The rules!
Oy vey. How much, how little, when, where
Ad nauseam.

My part in the story ends about now.
Only a few oldsters remain of the old kind and
That is the way it should be.
Our kid’s, kid’s, kids will follow the thread of time
‘Til they too leave the stage.
But that’s for them to tell of a proud history
If it is now in the main

Hello. I know something of my people to tell you.
We were great travelers and tellers’ of stories
Of oceans and seas in our path and
Mountains at our back.
Rivers of sand lay below one path and terrible cold
At the other. I sewed. My hair was the color of rust and
My face of yak milk. I had three babes
Two lived.

Stories of a better place had us follow down the great river.
I grew old on the journey but my babes
Grew strong and long forgot
The old ways.
Others will tell the story of the people who lived long;
Long enough to see the time of the ice and
The good time and then the ice again
And still we lived.

Until. It happened first in the land near the sand.
A few at first. Then more. Still more all the time.
We were bewildered.
The new ones were like us but not of us.
We were fair, they were dark. We liked them.
They liked us.
The babes came in time and they were different.
We liked them.

When there were more of the new babes than us
Some grown ones moved away toward
The rising light.
At least so the ancient ones tell us.
Stories retold when important gatherings happen.
Not sad tales but still…we wonder
How they fare and should we go to the new light
As well.

After the last big ice went away a tale is told of
Another leaving of our people.
But now the path is toward the pale sun
That stays so long.
Fewer and fewer are the old type people seen now.
Higher we travel toward the lands
Where the ice once had been covering over
The grass.

We are mostly all the new people now.
Small bands remain of the old.
The large water is near and many leave
To live nearby.
Brave ones go out on the big water to follow the sun.
We see not one of the old type people
Just their empty caves. Alas. They lived here for
Most all of time.

What came next started after the last big ice time.
The hunters hunted and the gatherers
Gathered as always.
Then the gatherers became diggers and, eureka!
Agriculture. This was the real thing the future…
Full bellies and some leisure time courtesy
Of the women.

The women let their power slip away to those
Under-employed former hunters now goat
And camel wranglers.
Prophets and martyrs at every oasis hectoring
The unwary by day. Their hapless flocks by night.
Damning the unreachable. Stoning the backslider.
No longer under-employed now pious
Stewards of eternity.

Cobblers of many small truths
Into large lies.
Dazzlers of the easily moved, the
Desperate, the forsaken who yearn for larger truths
And only wee small lies.
Several of the biggest liars have recruited global hordes.
Meanwhile the Greeks learned
How to think.

Alas! They taught the Romans. Trust us said they and thence
A millenium of gore was born. Exit Samnites
Luisitani, too and Albans and Sabines
Can’t forget the Argosians O no. Rue.
The Latins gone. Forgotten? Maybe, and the dear
Old Spartans brave but dead.
Still at end the Empire into history slid with
Scarcely a whimper.

Quiet now. That fitful scratching noise? Monks
On dry skins salvaging thought and deed. Blessed be those scribes
But rescuing those ancient desert ravings and small truths may
Not have been so wise.
Armed now with the Word they set abroad to
Recruit anew the holy army.
The desert message writ in gore and peace was never
Known again.

With the reign triumphant chattel was amassed unparalled. Firstly
All females, the sex into bondage. Infidels dutfully done in.
All treasure for taking.
All beasts into proclaimed stewardship cast
And for battle caught foe, alas
The chains.
Mere arrow, axe and mace blazon desert minions’ zeal
For now.

Monastaries for the parochial few led in time
To University leaving the many to life’s instruction
Also known as being
The franchise expanded reluctantly to include “useful idiots”.
Scholars and Gentlemen.
Now the desert minions would have champions
By legion.

In the Middle Kingdom dragons grew fearful for
Such awful noise had come.
Fire in tubes that drove them away
Never to be seen again.
Salute! Salute! Begone demons.
Strangers came to the Kingdom welcomed
But warned against knowing the recipe for
The Dragon weapon.

Theft. Deception. On camel’s back the secret left
The trusting Kingdom.
Plodding toward the sand people early
In it’s journey. Later to lodge with the baptised where
Piety seethed and enemies grew like
Mushrooms after horses.
Cannonading madly those angelical stewards
Of eternity.

The takings began.
Rare a yard of the globe unnoticed by the pious
As conquest or conversion fodder.
Each pagan household upended despite worth
Exceeding the usurper’s own.
No matter that.
Monkish scratching etched the Word for all time.
All persons. Amen.

Pray tell how a humble ministry
To village and desert wanderer led to
And Crystal Worship Palace? The least
Materialist soul of record
Spawned generations of rapacious zealots
Ransacking a planet for piety
And for gain.

Our progress, if such, is in the way of the inchworm
Which must need grasp with his front
Whilst dragging onward his
Rear parts. And again.
His vanguard end needs hind parts holding
For purchase only
Not to anchor the forward movement with
Sternest tradition.

Poor creature. Desert minions to the rear lag back
And myopia joins narrow wisdom
Going forward.
Perilous journey with parts joined nicely in tandem
But solo effort
Brings chaos and struggle. While destiny
Is revealed only by
The inch.

Vague as our fate remains, the desert minions
Doubt not the day of our birth.
Scouring monkish scribblings brings
The aha! moment.
With that instant writ firm, all later discovery brings scorn and threat.
Time, a bother and impediment, is throttled back
To fit the desert calendar exact, lest
Doubt emerge.

Machines employed and vile draughts brewed to
Stay new thought from ever tainting
The faithful.
Show the rack. Behold the fire and irons.
Enough? Why will they not convert nor
See our truth revealed and what glories await?
Imps and demons poison all
Who doubt!

Lure the peasant from his fold to kneel and
Labor all his days at parchment and wine press
And the bell ropes.
Equip with a tongue so old and forgotten that its drone
Would cower all rogue dissent.
Tell of lesser breeds who need succor
Or bondage and how the parchments
Command it.

The freed serf and vassal and bondsmen too
Gladly aped hard Roman and thinking Greek as well
In yolking others to their will.
Centuries of men in chains leave evidence of
Grand spectacle for their driven effort.
No onset of humane regret manumit those held so
Long ’til better power than human muscle made
Them free.

Oil of whale and then of ancient ferns and such
Flowing from deep pit caused water to
Boil and spit.
Drove the engines of the newly freed serfs and made
Leisure to devise torments fresh
For sundry foes.
Onward the Juggernaut of devout
Desert minions.

Conquest and mayhem and decades of war
And more again as quick as the
Stink clears.
On and dreadful on ’til this very day and again surely
Religion the beastly side our nature. Need to pray and
Urge to slay
Dwell together.

Whilst Barons feudal did John the King coerce to
Magna Carta sire, a lusty bairn was
When gray of beard that babe had met
Another ancient one.
Whose da was born the very year
English pluck routed brave Frenchmen at

Now that wee babe with long lived luck
In dotage knew another such who’s own dear mother
Came alive the very day
Great Lear appeared upon the stage.
For just three mortal spans of years made
Creaking steps of times past appear
Less daunting. Six stout hearts carried us to
Elizabethan sphere.

Nearing now our present era aided by
These leaps in time to learn of a Bard’s namesake
Babe who too grew eld.
And chanced to meet another crone of
Countless years who told
The singular precedent of one
Whose papa timely arrived when
Adams, John was President.

To be or not to be a King our
Republic’s Princeling heir pondered, then agreed
To forsake the crown.
Majestically he searched in vain to find an American heart
Not depraved or corrupted. More darkness than light
Filled their souls and thus were unfit
For a Republic. Low born. Base.

It was a Nation, that much is true and
A new Republic, too. Though some saw murder, theft
And jingo seeping through.
But winners write the tale that longest lasts.
There was a wilderness to tame
And treasures greater than ever known before
Lay at every patriot’s door.
For the taking.

Tom J. came along when we needed a friend.
Eight years had he but old Adams, J. scarce half that
To rule. Good friend Tom fiddled and took all
The House commanded and kept all his bought help
In field, kitchen and manse.
Tom was no friend to woman or hired man who
Dared wish a ballot to cast, if you please. Was Tom J. truly
A friend… indeed?

Polish an oaf and he cleans up so nicely.
Put his hands on a throttle with caboose
Far behind.
Varlet now literate reading solemn at law while
Steamboat Willie flickers about on
A wall.
Brave and new the world is our oyster

Republic gone. Lasted but scarce a half century! Egad.
Then on that slippery slope. Big chunk of neighbor Mexico.
Some idyllic pineapple isles
And next whatever Spain had worth the taking.
Hush! Be loath to utter aloud or even think
If loyal patriotic and discrete
That foulest of foul word that stink…

Our RNA, our very genes demand we must always grow.
Go West Young Man and Eminent Domain and Westward Ho!
But no Nation unless some hidden fugue propels will endlessly
Grow the whole world over.
No wisdom voice to mock us as we willfully grow, but never do
Grow up.
Unlimited growth is a perfect tell but only by a metastasizing
Cancer cell.

The game is up. Every day, in every way it slides away and
We have no clue as to how it ever got that way.
We are not unique, never were. We are not all good
And wise and noble.
Only motion and noise and none to say Stop! Pause!
Between the human and the truly humane we are but a link
And a messy bit of unfinished celestial business
I think. 


Bouncing Along on Juggernaut/

30 Oct

Are you enjoying the ride so far?


History tells of military failures rivaling those suffered since about 1950 by the US military. The French reliance on the Maginot Line which the Germans cleverly drove around and flew over is of recent vintage.  Certainly the battle for Kiev, Ukraine in 1941 was astonishing in the magnitude of disaster. Ancient China put great effort and treasure into the Great Wall to little avail. But all of these were solitary and except for incidents involving the China Wall happened in a relatively short time span.


Not so with the US military which has blundered along its losing path for six plus decades with no end in sight. Half the treasure of the wealthiest country on the planet has been poured into this organization without much return. It has demanded each new gadget and device as it appeared.  Enormous depots of used and/or abandoned ordnance can be found wherever the ‘defense’ machine has functioned. Acres of tanks, war planes, vehicles of every description reach to the horizon in scores of locations. Other military groups have feasted on this largess and armed themselves at leisure when the US forces had moved on.


The wastefulness appears indigenous.  The communal nature of the military precludes the personal; so  things held in common exclude the person and produce negative inertia over time.  Shades of the USSR; the Roman Legions, the Hittites, et al.  But our military wisely has a bevy of jingoes in the PR departments, who are skilled at telling a story many will accept, in order to keep public support at high level despite all evidence.


As a nation we have long forgotten how to compete in trade with other nations and now resort to wholesale murder. Combat deaths in just the four major theatres since 1950 total about 20,750,000. Other deaths, called ‘collateral damage’, are incalculable. End result: US is nearly broke and approaching 2nd world status; is losing friends and allies at a growing rate, and is rapidly falling apart internally but remains stubbornly oblivious to reality.